Saturday, June 12

Day 7

So it's about 7pm and Alex and I are going to sleep. We are doing this not because we are tired, but because our day is really two days. I understand this doesn't make much sense, so please allow me to explain. From yellowstone national park to yosemite national park is aproximately 16 hours. Now while both Alex and I are more than happy to drive this amount of time (we will be doing it and more later in the trip), it was decided, for several reasons besides reducing the monotony of driving, that we should stop at a campsite and take a nap for a few hours before continuing on. So in five hours or so we'll be getting back up and heading back to the highway. We'll hopefully arrive at the park around 10am and have tomorrow and the next day to hike and explore to our hearts content. This results in today being "nothing really happened" day. I took three pictures and when we get up it will be day 8.

Major props go to Alex for finding us a place to sleep and bonus points for that place having a shower and wireless :). In other news my computer finally gave up and the wireless is completely broken. Monday or Tuesday we will be in computer store range so I might find my way into a store and out with a new piece of hardware, Alex is pushing for a mac, and I'm actually mildly ok with the idea. We shall see and maybe everyone will be able to see my pictures before I actually get home. Wish us luck on our through the night shift and safety on the trails of yosemite :).

P.s. it has been exactly one week since I left my dads place in Connecticut on the first leg of this trip. Wahoo!

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